3. Use
The best link to your Mercedes: You activate and manage the Digital Extras in your account on the Mercedes-Benz website.
The presented functions are dependent on the particular vehicle model, the individual configuration and the particular market.
Driving modes with reduced acceleration characteristics: Leave your Mercedes wisely in the hands of other drivers.
The usable package scope may vary, depending on your vehicle's equipment.
Makes acceleration easier to control
By reducing the power, Beginner Driver Mode can make the introduction to driving easier. Smoother acceleration enables a relaxed driving experience with the usual comfortable driving characteristics. To support beginner drivers, the performance of your Mercedes is adjusted so that a maximum permissible speed of 120 km/h can be reached for vehicles with electric drive or 130 km/h for vehicles with conventional drive. The ESP stability program remains permanently activated so that it can support the driver at all times. Sport driving programs are not available when Beginner Driver Mode is activated. If you link your vehicle with your Mercedes-Benz account, you can select and deselect Beginner Driver Mode via the Mercedes-Benz App. In addition, a corresponding authorisation concept prevents Beginner Driver Mode from being deselected by another user.
Set boundaries when others take the wheel
Valet Service Mode limits the power of your Mercedes and restricts access to personal profile data when the vehicle is given to other drivers. Available acceleration is severely restricted over the entire speed range. Due to the reduced power, a maximum speed of 80 km/h can be reached for vehicles with electric drive or 130 km/h for vehicles with conventional drive. The ESP stability program remains permanently activated so that it can support the driver at all times. Sport driving programs are not available when Valet Service Mode is activated. Your routes, addresses and profile data are not accessible to others when Valet Service Mode is selected, as a profile protection is activated for the profile stored in the vehicle. Thus, the data contained therein is protected from unauthorised access.